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What is this?

A group of organizations are working together to define a common set of annotation types for use in JVM languages, to improve static analysis and language interoperation. Our initial focus is on nullness analysis.

This includes providing both an artifact of annotation types your code can depend on (in the org.jspecify.annotations package), and precise specifications of their semantics.

  • Why standardize the annotations? Because you deserve better than this tragic stackoverflow answer depicts.

  • Why standardize the semantics? Because you deserve a single source of truth for how your code should be annotated, instead of having to decide which tool to please at the expense of the others.

  • Why do both together? Because you deserve to find that information easily, right in the javadoc of the annotation classes themselves.

JSpecify is developed by consensus of major stakeholders in Java static analysis. Our 1.0.0 release is the first tool-neutral, library-neutral artifact for these annotations. (Note: javax.annotation was an attempt at this that never reached consensus and was never actually released.)

Learn more about the JSpecify group and its goals in the JSpecify FAQ.

How do I learn about your nullness support?

Here are some links. As you read them, you'll probably have a number of "why?" questions, which you can look for in the Nullness Design FAQ. If you like, send us mail.

Begin with one of

  • The User Guide.
  • The Javadoc, which is not a tutorial walkthrough, but is thorough and specific.

Then if you're really interested

  • The specification, written to be understood by owners of compilers and static analysis tools.
  • Our wiki has about 20 informal, non-normative articles on various topics
  • Open issues
  • Try it out

Reference implementation

  • Please experiment with our reference implementation. This lets you validate your usages of the annotations against our defined semantics, which is when you will really get to find out how helpful or annoying our current design choices are for you (which you should let us know!). However, this tool is still a work in progress, and is not at full conformance with our own specification quite yet.

How can I get involved?

Great question.

It's not too late for your input to matter! After our 1.0.0 release, we have plans to extend our support beyond nullness.

  • Join our Google Group. Introduce yourself! Ask questions, complain, or just tell us what you're hoping to see. If your organization should be a member of our group, tell us about yourselves and self-nominate.

  • Do you use any libraries or tools that you think should use/support JSpecify annotations? Please tell them about us!

  • Give some thought to what factors would make your own projects more or less likely to adopt JSpecify, and let us know.

  • File an issue to request a feature or if something is wrong. (If something is wrong with the reference implementation, file an issue in its repo.)

  • Star and Watch our github repo.


Since we released version 1.0.0 we've seen some positive reaction in the community. Here are some interesting posts, articles, and videos:

  • The November 2025 release of Spring Framework 7.0 was announced, and the announcement mentions that its "null-safety strategy is converging with the recently released JSpecify annotations". This GitHub issue comment lists some of the reasons for their migration effort.