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Tool Conformance

This document is an attempt to clarify how to describe what the JSpecify specification means for real Java code, so that we can talk about it in documentation, specifications, issues, and discussions. JSpecify publishes specific annotations whose presence in Java code has precise semantics, and this semantics is relevant to tools that analyze Java code and report things to their users, but JSpecify does not require tools to emit any particular errors or messages to their users in any particular cases.

It's important not to talk about JSpecify in ways that imply that tools must report specific errors, but we do have to talk about how JSpecify's rules affect the meaning of Java code, including in ways that will lead some tools to report errors in some cases.

More generally, JSpecify's specification adds information about Java code beyond what the language specification does. We'd like a way to describe the information that JSpecify adds to code without forcing us to make judgments about whether that information represents problems or how that information should be communicated to users.

JSpecify's specification consists of an augmented type system including subtyping rules, as well as a set of rules for determining the augmented type of a type usage based on the annotations surrounding that type usage. The specification uses terms like "UNION_NULL", "null-marked scope", "multiple worlds", and "nullness-subtype-establishing paths"; it mostly doesn't talk explicitly about what that means for examples of Java code. However, the point of the specification is to imply things about real Java code.

Here is an example of the problem: Let's say that, according to JSpecify, the method a(...)'s parameter has a non-nullable type and the method b() has a nullable return type. A natural way to describe the situation is to say that tools should report that there is a problem with the code a(b()). However, there are many good reasons that tools might not report such a problem, including by using non-JSpecify annotations or other information that indicates that this particular call to b() does not return null.

NOTE: Since nullness is the initial domain for JSpecify, all of the examples in this document are phrased in terms of that domain. However, this document is intended to clarify the ways in which we will describe JSpecify conformance for all domains.

The proposal is that we should talk about JSpecify's implications on examples of Java code by creating an enumerated list of questions about actual Java code that are answerable by consulting the specification. The set of questions will grow as the specification grows.

The questions are as follows:

NOTE: The examples for each question are not meant to be exhaustive.

  1. Is a given JSpecify annotation recognized or unrecognized (type-use, declaration) in its context?

    • Unrecognized: @Nullable int
    • Unrecognized: class Foo<@NonNull T extends Foo>
    • Recognized: void foo(@Nullable Bar bar)
  2. What is the null-augmented type of a given type usage, based only on JSpecify annotations on it or surrounding scopes?

    interface A {
    Foo method1();

    void method2(Foo arg);
    • method1 returns type Foo!
    • method2 accepts type Foo*
  3. What is the null-augmented type of an expression or expression context, derived from the null-augmented types of the symbols it refers to, based only on JSpecify annotations on those symbols or surrounding scopes?

    • Optional.ofNullable(nullableString) accepts String? and returns Optional!<String!>
  4. Does a given expression represent a dereference of a nullable expression in some or all worlds, as derived from the null-augmented type of its reference, based only on JSpecify annotations on those symbols or surrounding scopes?

    • The call to hashCode() in map.get(key).hashCode() is a dereference of a nullable expression in all worlds (as Map.get() is annotated to return @Nullable)
    • The call to hashCode() in returnsUnspecified().hashCode() is a dereference of a nullable expression in some world (if returnsUnspecified() returns null)
  5. Is a given expression or type argument not a nullness subtype of its context in some or all worlds, as derived from the null-augmented types of their referenced symbols, based only on JSpecify annotations on those symbols or surrounding scopes?

    • acceptsNonNull(returnsUnspecified()): the argument returnsUnspecified is not a nullness subtype for acceptsNonNull in some world (if returnsUnspecified() returns null)
    • acceptsNonNull(returnsNullable()): the argument returnsNullable is not a nullness subtype for acceptsNonNull in all worlds
  6. Is a given parameter's type a proper nullness subtype of the corresponding parameter of the overridden method (nullness-covariant) in some or all worlds?

    • foo(@NonNull String) overrides foo(@Nullable String): the parameter of foo in the overriding method is a nullness subtype in all worlds
  7. Is a given parameter's type a proper nullness supertype of the corresponding parameter of the overridden method (nullness-contravariant) in some or all worlds?

    • bar(@Nullable String) overrides bar(@NonNull String): the parameter of bar in the overriding method is a nullness supertype in all worlds
  8. Is a given method's return type a proper nullness subtype of the return type of the overridden method (nullness-covariant) in some or all worlds?

    • @NonNull String foo() overrides @Nullable String foo(): the return type of foo in the overriding method is a nullness subtype in all worlds
  9. Is a given method's return type a proper nullness supertype of the return type of the overridden method (nullness-contravariant) in some or all worlds?

    • @Nullable String bar() overrides @NonNull String bar(): the return type of bar in the overriding method is a nullness supertype in all worlds
  10. [More questions TBD]

Note that these questions are not phrased in a way that requires tools to report errors.

Conformance Tests

JSpecify publishes conformance tests that tools can use to measure their consistency with these questions. The conformance tests consist of assertions that represent answers to the questions above about specific examples of Java code and symbols. Running the conformance tests for a tool consists of making sure that the tool can answer these questions in the way the JSpecify specification requires.

Note that a tool that passes these conformance tests can still behave however it wants to for its users. For example, a tool that can answer correctly that a parameter is a proper nullness supertype of its corresponding overridden method's parameter may not ever report that fact to its users. For another, a tool can use extra information to infer that a reference that is nullable according to JSpecify is in fact non-null and so report its dereference as safe, all without affecting its conformance to JSpecify.